Ink Blot
December 2009

Well, better late than never, right? RIGHT!? Watch your tone, mister. Or miss. Is "miss" the appropriate term there? I always get confused. Is it miss or ms. Crap. But I digress.

We've got a smaller issue than usual, but hey, it's all fun anyway, right? The answers to last month's movie challenge as well as a super special new Holiday edition of the challenge are now available. And the final edition of the History of Japanese Language is up too! Enjoy!

If you'd like to contribute to the blot, it's easy! Just email your stuff to (or PM our glorious leader, greg, to let him know) and it will be in the next blot. Content can be just about anything you want: interviews, a summary of a discussion on the boards, horoscopes, a refutation of horoscopes, and a million other things. Have at it!

Thanks again to all the contributers and readers. Happy Novemeber!

~The Blot Team