Ink Blot
The tallmanian Movie Challenge: Round 6

by tallman

See a previous round for the rules. Below are the new rules, notes and tips that were added recently:
  • New Rule! If you don't know the answer to a given screenshot, make a humorous guess, and I may award a bonus point (maximum of 1 bonus point per round). For example, in Round 1, someone guessed "[old atari commercial]" for the Kiss Me Deadly screenshot. Heh. This way, you can have more fun guessing and I can have more fun reading.
  • Have I mentioned that you can win a crappy DVD from my personal collection? Because you can.
  • Don't forget that there will be a cumulative award, which will reward slow but steady participation! The prize for this one will be a DVD set of some kind (or multiple of the other DVDs on the list)
  • Quick tip! While I sometimes feature less than stellar movies here, I tend towards films that are good and films that I like a lot. In general, sequels are not very good, so if there's a doubt in your mind, it's probably going to be the first in the series. Yes, I have featured Aliens, which is a sequel and Friday the 13th, Part VIII, which is a terrible movie and a sequel, but both screenshots were somewhat indicative of which movie it was. So it's not a definitive rule, but in general, I'm going to choose the first over the sequel... especially when the sequels suck (when they don't, well, that's open game, but there are very few of those).
  • Don't forget! You can click on any given screenshot to see a larger version. Sometimes you'll be able to see more details in the big screenshot...
This month's challenge should be about the same as last month's in terms of difficulty. I'll be surprised if someone scores a 0 or a perfect 10, and if you don't know, don't forget to make funny guesses...

So November is the month of Thanksgiving, but I wasn't able to find 10 movies featuring that holiday that I liked, so there are really only 2 screenshots of Thanksgiving Movies. Because I really like horror movies and everyone seemed to have fun last month, the rest of the screenshots featured this month will be from various Horror movies (ok, a couple are only borderline horror, but still). Just PM answers to tallman! Here goes:

(Click on each image to see a larger version)

Screenshot 1:
Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2:
Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3:
Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4:
Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5:
Screenshot 5

Screenshot 6:
Screenshot 6

Screenshot 7:
Screenshot 7

Screenshot 8:
Screenshot 8

Screenshot 9:
Screenshot 9

Screenshot 10:
Screenshot 10
Good luck! See you next month...